A Bridge to Comfort

How your glasses fit on your nose is the key to comfortable glasses. The distance between the two eye glass lenses is considered the “bridge”. The nose area comes in different sizes because noses come in different sizes. Metal frames have wire nose pieces that can be adjusted wider or narrower (up to a point). Plastic frames have very little adjustment, they either fit the width of your nose or they don’t.

The take-home message here is the fit of the frame is important for comfortably wearing your glasses Fitting glasses from an online picture is not very accurate. Having a trained optician that evaluates a lot of eyeglass fits can give you very valuable feedback to end up being very happy with your glasses. Trying on glasses “virtually” is fun and helpful to see what style you might like, but going into the office to actually put that bridge onto your nose is the best way to really determine how those really cool, colorful, stylish frames are going to feel on your nose.

Bifocal Fitting / Positioning

The specific position of your progressive lenses (no-line bifocal) or standard lined bifocal or trifocal makes a huge difference in how well you see with your new glasses. If the bifocal (lined or unlined) sits too high you will have to tip your chin down when driving. If the bifocal is too low you will have to raise your chin up to read. When the lens is in the right position the vision should be easy and comfortable from far to near vision.

We measure for the position of your lenses with the frame on your face in its natural position. This is much more accurate for proper placement of the bifocal. When you buy your glasses online the computer determines where to place the bifocal based on an “average” measurement. As long as your frame doesn’t fit higher or lower than the average, this measurement might work out fine. The fit of the frame on your face can also make a big difference in how well the bifocal works.